Lighthouse's Katie Fitzgerald to Host Live Webinar Titled Predictive Coding Terminology Demystified


July 19, 2016

What: Whenit comes to predictive coding, do you find yourself lost in translation and mystified by unfamiliar terms? Katie Fitzgerald, Strategic Consultant at Lighthouse Europe, and Meribeth Banaschik, International Litigation at Noerr LLP in Germany, will host a live webinar where they will take viewers on a journey through terms to know when it comes to predictive coding and highlight them in real use cases.

Katie and Meribeth hosted two executive roundtable events at the 11th annual IICE Summit, where they discussed the impact of the recent cases in the UK and Ireland, and how predictive coding workflows can defensibly drive efficiency in the legal review process. In addition to this they will focus on explaining predictive coding terminology and the real-world scenarios in which these terms are used.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016 from 12:00 @ 12:45 p.m. GMT

If you are interested in registering for this webinar please click here.

About Lighthouse

Lighthouse is a global leader in eDiscovery and information governance solutions to manage the increasingly complex landscape of enterprise data for compliance and legal teams. Since our inception as a local document copy shop in 1995, Lighthouse has evolved with the legal technology landscape, anticipating the trends that shape legal practices, information management, and complex eDiscovery. Whether reacting to incidents like litigation or governmental investigations or designing programs to proactively minimize the potential for future incidents, Lighthouse partners with multinational industry leaders, top global law firms, and the world’s leading software provider as a channel partner. For more information, visit

General Media Inquiries

Eric Walter
Global Communications