Case Studies

We work with our clients to solve complex data problems, address compliance and privacy challenges, and achieve better legal outcomes. Read the case studies.

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March 27, 2024
Case Study

AI Powers Successful Review for a Pressing Matter

Two Months to Tackle Three Million DocumentsA financial institution with an urgent matter had two months to review 3.6M documents (2.4TB of data).With that deadline, any time that reviewers spent on irrelevant documents or unnecessary tasks risked missing their deadline. So outside counsel called on Lighthouse to help efficiently review documents.AI and Experience Prove Up to the ChallengeUsing our AI-powered review solution, we devised an approach that coordinated key data reduction tactics, modern AI, and search expertise at different stages of review.Junk Removal and Deduplication Set the Stage We started by organizing the dataset with email and chat threading and removing 137K junk documents. Then we shrank the dataset further with our proprietary deduplication tool, which ensures all coding and redactions applied to one document automatically propagate to its duplicates. AI Model Removes 1.5 Million Nonresponsive Documents To build the responsive set, we used our AI algorithm, built with large language models for sophisticated text analysis. We trained the model on a subset of documents then applied it to all 2.2M TAR-eligible documents, including transcripts from chat platforms. The model identified 80% of the documents containing responsive information (recall) with 73% accuracy (precision). The final responsive set consisted of 650K family-inclusive documents—18% of the 3.6M starting corpus. AI Supports Privilege Detection, QC, and Descriptions Our AI Privilege Review solution supported reviewers in multiple ways.First, we used a predictive AI algorithm in conjunction with privilege search terms to identify and prioritize potentially privileged documents for review. During QC, we compared attorney coding decisions with the algorithm’s assessment and forwarded any discrepancies to outside counsel for final privilege calls. For documents coded as privileged, we used a proprietary generative AI model to draft 2.2K unique descriptions and a privilege log legend. After reviewing these, attorneys left nearly 1K descriptions unchanged and performed only light edits on the rest.Search Experts Surface the 300 Documents Most Important for Case Prep Alongside the production requirements for the Second Request, Lighthouse also supported the institution’s case strategy efforts. Each tranche of work was completed in 4 days and within an efficient budget requested by counsel, who was blown away by the team’s speed and accuracy. Using advanced search techniques and knowledge of legal linguistics, our experts delivered: 130 documents containing key facts and issues from the broader dataset, for early case analysis. 170 documents to prepare an executive for an upcoming deposition. Beating the Clock Without Sacrificing Cost or QualityWith Lighthouse Review—including the strategic use of state-of-the-art AI analytics—outside counsel completed production and privilege logging ahead of schedule. The financial institution met a tough deadline while controlling costs and achieving extraordinary accuracy at every stage.
March 21, 2024
Case Study

Lighthouse Drives First Adoption of M365 by a Major Financial Services Organization

The project included replacing expensive third-party archives with native tools in M365, utilizing an automation solution that Lighthouse had recently prototyped for a large global manufacturer, and other breakthroughs the institution was unable to make before engaging with Lighthouse. Our work with the institution helped unblock their Microsoft 365 deployment and ultimately led to disclosure to regulators for institution’s intent to use M365 as system of record.SIFIs have long wished for a better way to meet their mutability requirement. Historically, they have relied on archiving solutions, which were designed years ago and are poorly suited for the data types and volume we have today. For years, people in the industry have been saying, “Someday we’ll be able to move away from our archives.” It wasn’t until the introduction of M365 native tools for legal and compliance that “someday” became possible.Data Management for SIFIs is Exceptionally ComplexThe financial services industry is one of the most highly regulated and litigious sectors in the world. As a result, companies tend to approach transformation gradually, adopting innovations only after technology has settled and the regulatory and legal landscape has evolved.However, the rate of change in the contemporary world has pushed many financial heavyweights into a corner: They can continue struggling with outdated, clunky, inadequate technologies, or they can embrace change and the disruption and opportunities that come with it.From an eDiscovery perspective, there are three unique challenges: (1) as a broker-dealers, they have a need to retain certain documents in accordance with specific regulatory requirements that govern the duration and manner of storage for certain regulated records, including communications (note that the manner of storage must be “immutable”). This has traditionally required the use of third-party archive solutions that has included basic e-discovery functionality. (2) As a highly regulated company with sizable investigation and litigation matters, they have a need to preserve data in connection with large volumes of matters. Traditionally, preservation was satisfied by long-term retention (coupled by immutable storage) and without deletion. Today, however, companies seek to dispose of legacy data—assuming it is expired and not under legal hold—and are eager to adopt processes and tools to help in this endeavor. (3) They have a need to collect and produce large volumes of data—sometimes in a short timeframe and without the ability to cull-in-place. This means they are challenged by native tooling that might not complete the scale and size of their operations. This particular company’s mission was clear: to use M365 as a native archive and source of data for eDiscovery purposes. To meet this mission, Lighthouse needed to establish that the platform could meet immutability and retrievability requirements—at scale and in the timeframe needed for regulatory and litigation matters. Lighthouse Helps a Large Financial Institution Leverage M365 to Replace Its Legacy Archive SolutionLighthouse is perfectly positioned to partner with financial services and insurance organizations ready to embrace change. Many on our team previously held in-house legal and technology roles at these or related organizations, including former in-house counsel, former regulators, and former heads of eDiscovery and Information Governance. Our team’s unique expertise was a major factor in earning the trust and business of a major global bank (“the Bank”). The Bank first engaged with Lighthouse in 2018, when we conducted an M365 workshop demonstrating what was possible within the platform—most notably, at the time, the potential for native tools to replace their third-party archives. Following the workshop, the Bank attempted, together with Microsoft, to find a viable solution. These efforts stalled, however, due to the complexity of the Bank’s myriad requirements. In 2020, the Bank re-engaged Lighthouse to supports its efforts to fully deploy Exchange and Teams and, in doing so, to utilize the native information governance and e-discovery toolset, paving way for the Bank to abandon its use of third-party archiving tools for M365 data. Our account team had the nuanced understanding of industry regulations, litigation and regulatory landscape, and true technical requirements needed to support a defensible deployment.As a result, we were able to drive three critical outcomes that the bank and Microsoft had not been able to on their own: (1) A solution adequate to meeting regulatory requirements (including immutability and retrievability). (2) A solution adequate to meeting the massive scale required at an institution like this. (3) A realistic implementation timeline and set of requirementsLighthouse Ushers the Bank Through Technical and Industry MilestonesWe spent six months designing and testing an M365-based solution to support recording keeping and e-discovery requirements for Teams and Exchange (including those that could support the massive scalability requirements). The results of these initial tests identified several gaps that Microsoft committed to close. The six month marked a huge milestone for the financial services industry, as the Bank disclosed to regulators their intent to use M365 as system of record. This showed extreme confidence in Lighthouse’s roadmap for the Bank, since a disclosure of this nature is an official notice and cannot be walked back easily. Over the next few months, we continued to design and test, partnering with Microsoft to create a sandbox environment where new M365 features were deployed to the Bank prior to general availability, to ensure we were able to validate adequate performance. During this time, Microsoft made a series of significant updates to extend functionality and close performance gaps to meet the Bank’s requirements. Finally, in February 2021, all the Bank’s requirements had been met and they went live with Teams—the first of their M365 workload deployments. That configuration of M365 met only some of the Bank’s need, however, so Lighthouse had to enable additional orchestration and automation on top. As it happens, we had recently done this for another company, creating a proof of concept for a reusable automation framework designed to scale eDiscovery and compliance operations within M365. Building on this work, we were able to quickly launch development of a custom automation solution for the Bank. This project is currently underway and is slated to complete in June, coinciding with their deployment of Exchange Online.Lighthouse Enables Adoption of Teams and Exchange and Scales M365 Compliance FunctionalityCompliant storage of M365 communications using native tools, rather than a third-party archive. Scaled and efficient use of M365 eDiscovery, including automation to handle preservation and collection tasks rather than manual processes or simple PowerShell scripts.Improved update monitoring, replacing an IT- and message-center-driven process with a cross-functional governance framework based on our CloudCompass M365 update monitoring and impact assessment for legal and compliance teams.Framework for compliant onboarding of new M365 communication sources like Yammer. Framework for compliant implementation of M365 in new jurisdictions, including restricted country solutions for Switzerland and Monaco. Framework to begin expanding to related use cases within M365, such as compliance and insider risk management. Lighthouse Paves the Way for Broader M365 Adoption Across the Financial Services IndustryFollowing the success of this project, we have been engaged by a dozen other large financial institutions interested in pursuing a similar roadmap. The roadblocks we removed for the Bank are shared across the sector, so the project was carefully watched. With the Bank’s goals confidently achieved and even surpassed, its peers are ready to begin their own journey to sunset their archives and embrace the opportunities of native legal and compliance tools in M365.
December 15, 2023
Case Study
Key document identification, KDI, ai-and-analytics

Lighthouse Litigation Prep Proves Invaluable in Complex Litigation

Firms Needed Fast Analysis of 25M Documents More than a dozen international law firms—including a Joint Defense Group (JDG) of 11 firms and several firms representing defendants outside the JDG—were engaged in a complex cluster of cases spanning over 30 US jurisdictions. The total document tranche included over 25M documents. The firms needed to find and understand the key players, timelines, and nuances involved in each litigation, while also preparing for hundreds of depositions, witness interviews, hearings, and trials scheduled across the litigation universe. However, traditional approaches to fact-finding and litigation (i.e., document review, keyword searches, etc.) were drowning case teams in extraneous and duplicative information. They came to Lighthouse looking for a strategic, unified approach to fact-finding, led by experts who could deliver the key documents, information, and details the case teams needed—and nothing more. Custom Workflows Power Consistency, Speed, and Efficiency Our experts started by creating a topic map across matters, which helped them quickly provide case teams with the core themes in each jurisdiction while reducing redundant search work. From there, as case strategy for each matter developed, the Lighthouse team drilled down into more nuanced fact-finding to help surface the documents case teams needed to learn the key details of each matter, through strategies like: State/Jurisdictional Overview Workflow – We used advanced search technology to target key documents in incoming productions and categorize them by jurisdiction, providing case teams with an immediate thematic overview of key facts and timelines. Re-Deployable Linguistic Model Workflow – Lighthouse linguists developed models based on intimate knowledge of the language used within the datasets, then deployed them within proprietary search technology to sort documents into tiers based on the likelihood that they contained key information. Deposition Kit Bundle Workflow – By bundling deposition kit requests from the same jurisdictions and departments together, we could search across smaller collections of documents and take a deponent-agnostic approach. Previously Delivered Name Hit Workflow – We provided case teams with documents from previously delivered results, giving them an advanced start on deposition preparation while further reducing duplicative searching. These repeatable workflows significantly reduced the volume of searching and coordination required across matters and enabled Lighthouse experts to quickly zero-in on the exact documents needed—without wasting counsels’ time with redundant and unimportant documents. Critical Docs Found and Delivered Across Dozens of Matters and Hundreds of Kits Over the course of two years, Lighthouse experts prepared dozens of case teams for complex litigation and handled a deluge of competing deadlines, priorities, and ad hoc requests (totaling as many as 70 requests at a time). For the Joint Defense Group, this meant: Over 1,150 deposition kits across 24 matters, encompassing 245K unique documents Over 100 state overviews across 21 different jurisdictions, encompassing 80K documents For law firms representing individual defendants, Lighthouse provided an additional:150 deposition kits, encompassing 13K documents 30 defensive overviews across 20 jurisdictions, encompassing 6K documents 1.3K documents in response to ad hoc requests and trial support Each delivery was limited to essential information—including key themes and players in every jurisdiction, potential gaps in productions, lists of hot/sensitive documents and potential deponents, and key strategy documents—and avoided redundant and unimportant documents. The combination of innovative workflows and cutting-edge technology enabled Lighthouse to keep our team small and consistent throughout the engagement, so the entire effort was achieved by a handful of Lighthouse experts with institutional knowledge of every matter. Since this engagement, we have used the same workflows for other clients facing complex Multidistrict Litigation (MDL)—making Lighthouse key document identification one of the most valuable and scalable litigation technology solutions on the market today.
December 15, 2023
Case Study

Lighthouse Uncovers Key Facts In Misappropriation Investigation

Searching for Evidence in 8TB of Chat and Technical Data Senior executives at an information technology company suspected that former employees had utilized company resources and intellectual property when starting a rival company. To determine whether litigation was called for, executives needed to find the most relevant documents within 8TB of processed data. The data was extremely complex, dating back 6+ years and consisting mostly of Slack data and attachments including highly technical documents, applications, logs, and related system files—tallying over ten million files. The company engaged a senior partner at an AM50 law firm, who recommended using keyword search terms, filters, and targeted linear review to find the “smoking gun” documents—which was estimated to take several months. The company came to Lighthouse looking for a faster, more strategic search alternative for their investigation. Pinpointing Key Docs with Linguistic Analysis Two Lighthouse search and linguistics experts met with company executives to learn exactly what information they suspected the former employees had misappropriated. From there, our experts created linguistic-based search criteria that go well beyond keywords, taking into consideration the unique vocabulary and syntax of software engineers and developers, the conversational quirks of Slack and other chat-based communications, and the coded language used by people who are trying to get away with something. The team delivered documents in 2 batches, refining their search based on input from the executives—and resulting in only 39 files for the company to review. Getting Results—and a Start on Case Strategy—in Days In less than 10 days, 2 Lighthouse experts pierced the subterfuge in the employees’ chat messages to reveal patterns in their behavior and attempts to cover their tracks. In all, we found 39 documents representing possibly questionable conduct, which required only 141 hours of eyes-on review. In comparison, using conventional analytics would have identified 5-20% of the search population as key documents—up to 50K documents to review in this matter. So in the end, Lighthouse saved the company over 3 months and nearly $200K.Armed with knowledge of the key events, timelines, and context of conversations buried within the data, the company was primed to begin litigation efforts and had a team ramped up to perform additional searches when needed.Lighthouse KDI vs Linear Review
September 22, 2023
Case Study

Lighthouse Transforms Complex Enterprise Data Protection with Microsoft Purview

The Lighthouse team of SMEs applied their dedication to exemplary customer experience and unique strategy of marrying compliance, security, IT, and legal needs to help a global chemistry solutions and specialty material producer meet the ever-evolving security and compliance demands and challenges facing international manufacturing and regulations to effectively deploy Microsoft Purview across workstreams while preparing for needs and reducing costs. Global Leader in Chemistry Solutions Transforms Enterprise Data Protection with Microsoft Purview An international producer of commercial chemicals and specialty materials upholds a commitment to people safety and well-being as part of their core tenets. As cyber risks increased along with data volumes, the organization extended their commitment to safety to include the security of data accessed, produced, and stored within their enterprise. Now, the company has implemented a comprehensive data protection program using the entire Microsoft 365 Information Protection suite. After careful design, the team is piloting the solution before a global rollout. A Commitment to Physical and Digital Safety As one of the world’s largest acetyl products manufacturers and a top-tier producer of high-performance engineered polymers, the company supplies chemicals across major industries and for a variety of industrial and consumer applications. Over 10,000 employees in offices, technical centers, and 50+ manufacturing facilities work to realize a vision of improving the world and everyday life through people, chemistry, and innovation—with products that impact the lives of millions. For the organization, an operational approach rooted in well-being has always meant physically safe working environments for employees, and safe solutions for their customers and their communities. However, in this digital age, they have expanded their notion of safety to include data protection for employees, customers, shareholders, and the communities in which they operate. The company’s Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) notes that committing to data protection means a “higher level of assurance—making sure that our security controls keep pace with the threats that surround us every day and seek to exploit vulnerabilities in companies like us every day. You can’t stand still. You always have to evolve—you always have to get better, otherwise you’re devolving, and you’re getting worse, and becoming more vulnerable.” Advancing Data Protection with a Trusted Partner A few years ago, when the company decided to make the move to the cloud, they chose Microsoft 365 E5 and Microsoft Azure, building on their longstanding use of Microsoft technologies. Prior efforts to overhaul their data protection program had been unsatisfactory. However, with access to new Microsoft Purview capabilities, the Information Security team saw an opportunity to try again. They hoped to utilize the full breadth of the Microsoft 365 Information Protection suite including Information Protection Classification and Labeling, Data Loss Prevention (DLP), and Insider Risk Management solutions. Microsoft tapped Security Solutions and Advanced Specialization Designation-Information Protection and Governance Partner Lighthouse Global to lead the engagement for their ability to effectively understand complex compliance needs across IT, security, and legal departments. They hoped that together they could develop a solution to realize the investment they’d made in Microsoft 365, and to support their corporate commitment to safety for both employees and customers. “If you were to interview a bunch of companies, those who have actual, very successful DLP and data labeling programs typically have a hodgepodge of solutions that get melded together,” reflected the CISO, “and that’s where Lighthouse was successful…we’ve been able to leverage the investment…and get it to work, [and not] have to go spend more money to hodgepodge together a solution.” Developing a Comprehensive, Scalable Solution The Lighthouse team started by holding a series of working sessions to align the company’s vision and requirements and design the implementation approach. Using Microsoft Compliance Check, Lighthouse scanned the company’s environment to get an understanding of current state activity and sensitivity intelligence. The team also reviewed existing policies and approaches for the handling of sensitive data and data loss prevention to identify any areas of opportunity or gaps that could exist. From there, the combined teams were able to successfully design and configure a holistic data protection solution leveraging multiple Microsoft Purview products including Data Loss Prevention, Information Protection, and Insider Risk Management. Starting with data classification, the team defined the sensitive information types that needed to be identified. From there, they developed a set of sensitivity labels corresponding to the data protection policy. This set of classification techniques and labels were generated in the course of both Data Loss Protection and Insider Risk Management implementation, ensuring a comprehensive data life cycle protection program from content identification through insider threat analysis. Finally, the Lighthouse team supported the integration of the Microsoft products with the company’s third-party HR software to feed HR data into the Data Theft by Departing Employee Policy, enabling the creation of a truly end-to-end solution. Fulfilling a Mission of Security The company’s dedication to safety, security, and well-being across applications and contexts drove this project’s success. “Because we see security as part of our commitment to people and innovation, we take a uniquely holistic approach and have strong support all the way up to our board of directors,” says the company’s CISO. The CISO also credits Lighthouse’s unwavering commitment to partnership. “They helped us not only implement the technology and guide us through some of the critical points to consider as we implemented the technology, but also the process and decision points with data—which ultimately, in the end, actually worked,” they conclude. Now, with the design and implementation of the Microsoft Purview-based Data Protection program behind them, the organization’s information security team is focused on operationalizing the program through a series of pilots scheduled over the next year. Their ultimate goal is total, global implementation of the solution—and total, global protection for all employee and customer data. Corporate Case Studymicrosoft; big-datamicrosoft-365; data-privacy
September 7, 2023
Case Study
antitrust, ai-and-analytics-ediscovery-review, kdi, key document identification

Lighthouse Key Document Identification Proves Pivotal to Antitrust Defense

Lighthouse leveraged linguistic expertise and cutting-edge analytics to efficiently locate only the documents that mattered in a complicated, year-long antitrust criminal investigation and trial. What They Needed Senior executives from a global food manufacturing company faced federal criminal antitrust charges related to allegations of 15 instances of price fixing over a five-year period. A joint defense team comprised of outside counsel representing each of the executives was assembled by the company. The prosecution expected to make rolling productions of evidence up to and through the trial. As those productions rolled in, the joint defense team could tell that many of the evidentiary documents, timelines, and conversations that were key to the prosecution’s case were taken out of context or failed to include all the exculpatory evidence. However, the joint defense team was having trouble finding key evidence because much of the nuance was located within piecemeal chat conversations and complex bid spreadsheets that were buried among millions of similar documents. The joint defense team needed a document search team that was nimble and could quickly identify the most important documents to the defense and share them across the team. They came to Lighthouse because we could quickly identify key documents with accuracy and nuance. How We Did It Lighthouse first organized a central search desk, where all members of the joint defense team could go for document search requests, with results shared across three defense teams. Next, the Lighthouse team located the most important documents related to each of the 15 episodes of price-fixing allegations, on a priority basis. They used linguistic expertise to create narrow searches, taking into consideration the nuance of acronyms, slang, and terminology used within the company and the food manufacturing industry. They also leveraged Lighthouse’s proprietary, cutting-edge search analytic tools to look for key information buried in hundreds of thousands of Excel spreadsheets and chat messages. As the government produced more documents, the Lighthouse team refreshed their searches, looking for key documents in each new production and quickly sharing results across the defense team. As defense preparations continued throughout the year, we we supported all aspects of trial preparation, including two mock trials, all witness preparation binders, and the James hearing. Lighthouse support will continue through the criminal trial for the senior executives, due to our proven success in supporting ad hoc search requests and providing results in real time. The Results The Lighthouse team efficiently delivered incredibly accurate results, saving the underlying client more than $3M thus far. Out of an always-in-flux review population that eventually grew to over 16M documents, Lighthouse was able to cull through the irrelevant data to find and deliver only the most important documents for the defense team’s utilization. In the end, that amounted to less than 1% of the initial review population, including: 4.7K documents for the joint defense group to defend the episodes of alleged price fixing 5.3K documents for defense team’s specific ad hoc and witness kit requests (an average of 400 documents per witness kit) In comparison, a traditional linear review using search terms and conventional analytics performed by multiple case teams typically results in 5-20% of the data population being tagged as “key documents.” This volume would then be funneled to the case teams for review as well, where they would waste valuable time and resources looking at hundreds of thousands of irrelevant or run-of-the-business documents. In addition to cost-efficiency, the team has gained expertise in the key events, timelines, and context of conversations buried within the data. As such, the team is now a critical resource to the defense, supporting all stages of the investigation and assisting in pivot ad hoc requests. Examples include finding a unique pricing document buried among volumes of near duplicates, as well as the relevant context surrounding a single line of a chat message. In the end, Lighthouse saved the underlying company significant time and money that could not have been achieved otherwise. Additionally, our expertise in the data was a critical resource to the joint defense team, which relied on Lighthouse at each step of trial preparation. Lighthouse expert support will continue throughout the criminal trial. ‍ Corporate Case Studyantitrust; ai-and-analytics; ediscovery-reviewantitrust, ai-and-analytics-ediscovery-review, kdi, key document identification
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